Heimdall Power´s input to Strømnettutvalget

Picture of Brage Johansen

Brage Johansen


The electricity grid is the backbone of the green transition and getting sufficient grid capacity in time is crucial to a successful adaption to a zero-emission society. Heimdall Power delivers a key part of the solution: We enable grid companies to utilize a larger proportion of their grid, making more grid capacity available for the market.

Strømnettutvalget (The Electricity Grid Commission in Norway) was appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy in June 2021. The commission´s mandate is to assess the development of the electricity grid and to propose measures that can contribute to faster and more efficient development of the grid. The commission will submit its recommendation by 15 June 2022 and Heimdall Power has contributed input to their work.  

Heimdall Power´s technology gives grid companies knowledge of and the ability to utilize the full capacity of the grid. This can free up capacity and enable faster network connections, reduced need for grid investments, limiting irreversible encroachments on nature. It is important that the commission takes account of the possibilities that new technologies offer, as it can be a major contributor to a faster and cheaper electrification of society.

Grid companies´ incentives to deploy new technology are not as clear as their incentives to invest. This is a known “imbalance” in most European regulation and is well described in ACER´s paper “Infrastructure efficiency: The role of regulation in incentivising smart investments and enabling the energy transition”. In Norway too, there is scope to clarify incentives to deploy new technology.

To mitigate unclarity in incentives and to enable a faster and cheaper green transition through optimal utilization of the grid, Heimdall Power suggests a requirement on grid companies to know their real capacity. You can read our input to Strømnettutvalget (link below). 

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