Heimdall Power goes global

Picture of Brage Johansen

Brage Johansen


Malaysian TSO Tenaga Nasional Berhad to use Heimdall DLR for Dynamic Line Rating

We at Heimdall Power are thrilled to announce our first ever trial project in Asia, as we team up with Tenaga Nasional Berhad in Malaysia for a trial project on Dynamic Line Rating. Starting later this month, Tenaga will use both Virtual and Physical Neurons from Heimdall Power to perform Heimdall DLR, our world-leading DLR service.

Read also: Heimdall Power signs contract with German TSO Amprion

A batch of Physical Neurons will soon be on their way to Asia, where they will be deployed on multiple overhead transmission lines in Malaysia.

Tenaga Nasional Berhad is the largest listed utility company in southeast Asia. Covering 21,000 kilometers of grid, they are responsible for safe power delivery to more than 10 million customers in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Lauban.  

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This exciting, new agreement means that Heimdall Power soon will be operating in 17 countries across three continents, in a year where Heimdall Power Inc. already opened their accounts in the U.S.

Jørgen Festervoll, Heimdall Power CEO, is thrilled about the company’s newest contract: 

“I am very happy to end this great year with opening yet another continent of operations for Heimdall Power. Tenaga is one of the leading utilities in Asia, and we look forward to establishing a strong collaboration with them over the coming months and years.”

Please contact Jørgen to LEARN more

Jørgen Festervoll

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