Maximizing Grid Capacity: Insights from the EPRI Summer Seminar 2024

Picture of Brage Johansen

Brage Johansen


Heimdall Power was honored to participate in this year’s EPRI Summer Seminar.

The EPRI Summer Seminar is a prestigious event that brings together global energy leaders from industry, government, and academia. Hosted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Vail, Colorado, the seminar focused on innovative solutions and collaboration to advance safe, reliable, and sustainable electricity.

Our CEO, Jørgen Festervoll, took part in a distinguished panel discussion alongside David Wright FREng, Joanna L. Lohkamp, and Julia Selker to explore the topic of “Maximizing Grid Capacity Through Technology and Design.” Moderated by Andrew Phillips, the session provided a platform to discuss the adoption of Grid-Enhancing Technologies (GETs) such as Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR) and Advanced Power Flow Controllers.

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The conversation highlighted the importance of collaboration between utilities and grid operators to overcome challenges in deploying these technologies. By embracing innovation and working together, the energy sector can significantly improve grid reliability and capacity, supporting a more efficient and resilient power infrastructure for the future.

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Heimdall Power is at the forefront of grid innovation with our Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR) technology and Neuron sensors, which provide precise, real-time data to optimize power flow and maximize transmission line capacity. Our solutions enable utilities to increase grid efficiency, reduce congestion, and better integrate renewable energy, all without the need for costly infrastructure upgrades. Book a demo with us today to discover how you can transform your grid operations.

We extend our gratitude to EPRI for organizing such a valuable seminar, to the moderators and panelists for their insights, and to all participants for the engaging discussions that made the event truly inspiring.

Please contact Peter to LEARN more

Peter Gørbitz
Head of Marketing & Communications

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