About Us
In Norse mythology, Heimdall is the all-seeing, all-knowing watchman who guards Asgard, the home of the gods. He possesses extraordinary abilities to see for hundreds of miles, hear the faintest of sounds, and stands vigilant at the Bifrost, the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard to the world of mortals, ready to sound the Gjallarhorn at the first sign of danger.

Much like the mythical guardian, Heimdall Power ensures the safety and efficiency of power grids. Founded in Norway in 2016, our solutions provide accurate, cost-effective monitoring of both grid capacity and health. We achieve this through advanced grid-enhancing technologies, combining world-leading sensors (NeuronsTM) and software (Heimdall Cloud) to optimize the performance and reliability of energy networks.

Our unique autonomous drone installation system facilitates safe, quick, and scalable deployment worldwide. With our help, grid operators can unlock up to 40% more capacity in their high-voltage power grids while simultaneously improving operational safety. Our technology equips you to meet the increasing demand for electricity while reducing the need for expensive infrastructure upgrades.
Our Vision
Optimizing power grids around the world.
Our Mission
Accelerate the energy transition by optimizing power grids to be safer, more reliable, and more affordable, while protecting people and the planet.

Our Growing Global Presence

Heimdall Power’s solutions have now been deployed by utilities in all the countries on the map colored by our bright orange. 

Our Values


We provide a complete solution for power grids optimization and earn confidence from our customers, suppliers, employees and stakeholders by focusing on safety and information security.


We pursue new ideas and solutions, are courageous on shaping the future and continuously improve our technology and services.


We are committed to the Green Shift and contribute to 6 of UN’s Sustainability Goals by having a sustainable mindset in our business practices.


We believe in the power of teamwork and support collaboration across teams, departments and organizations. Be kind and do good.

The Heimdall Power logo

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Engaging with our Vendor Partners and Suppliers

We expect our vendor partners to maintain the highest standards of business ethics, integrity and respect for human rights and to become familiar with and comply with our policies as outlined in our Partner Guide. We also expect vendor partners to operate their businesses in compliance with all applicable laws and to maintain lawful environmental, health and safety practices that meet or exceed all applicable laws and standards, as outlined in our Position on Human Trafficking and Slavery.

Heimdall Code of Conduct

The Supplier is to hold and maintain at all times the Heimdall Code of Conduct addressing human rights, worker rights, the environment and corruption.

The Supplier must acknowledge HP’s Code of Conduct in all new contractual arrangements. The Supplier must do this by signing the HP Compliance Letter (exhibit).

The Supplier is obligated to communicate the contents of Compliance Letter (Exhibit) to related entities and subcontractors who support the Supplier in supplying goods, works or services on behalf of HP. This will ensure that subcontractors conduct their business in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

If requested by HP, the Supplier must provide evidence and confirmation of its compliance with the Compliance Letter (Exhibit), including by providing documents and records in support of its compliance.