Now Live: Heimdall Power Facilities Module
The world’s leading grid optimization engine now extends to facilities and elements inside and outside the substation, providing ...
The world’s leading grid optimization engine now extends to facilities and elements inside and outside the substation, providing ...
Utilizing Iridium’s CertusTM 9704 module, Heimdall Power’s sensors can now deliver real-time, actionable data to utilities from any ...
Meet the Neuron and our team in Dallas from March 25.-27. Following a great show in Orlando last ...
Physical Neurons to be installed at critical grid points, building on existing project with Virtual Neurons. After more ...
At Heimdall Power, we have already made it safe, quick and easy to install our Neuron sensors on ...
The Heimdall Power family continues to grow, and we’re both proud and happy to start off the new ...
We are very pleased to welcome N-ERGIE as a new Heimdall Power customer. Going forward, the German DSO ...
We are very excited to welcome Norwegian utility Kystnett as a new Heimdall Power customer. Following the recent ...
We are proud to share with you the brand-new version of our autonomous drone installation system. 10 seconds. ...
Bayernwerk Netz expands collaboration with dynamic line rating sensor technology
Charlotte—affectionately known as the “Queen City” in honor of Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz—has long been celebrated as a vibrant ...
“I saw the future when I saw the incredible Neuron design and drone installation.” We are happy to ...
We are proud to welcome Schleswig-Holstein Netz as a new Heimdall Power customer. Schleswig-Holstein Netz GmbH is a ...
Discover how Heimdall Power is Revolutionizing the Energy Grid with Dynamic Line Rating Technology Don’t miss the latest ...
Heimdall Power is one of the partners in brand new Norwegian research project. Together with five grid companies ...
Foto: Jola Josie Heimdall Power is pleased to announce the appointment of Brita Osmundsvaag Formato for the newly ...
Foto: Jola Josie Following the company’s recent Series B funding round, Heimdall Power is pleased to announce Stein ...
Foto: Jola Josie Heimdall Power, the global leader in power grid optimization, today announced a $25 million USD ...
Heimdall Power´s vision is to optimize power grids globally. Since 2016 our innovative technology has optimized grid utilization with state-of-the-art software and unique hardware technology. We continue to innovate and improve, creating value for customers, shareholders and society.
St. Olavs Gate 28 0166 Oslo, Norway
214 W. Tremont Ave, Suite 301
Charlotte, NC 28203, USA
Heimdall Power´s vision is to optimize power grids globally. Since 2016 our innovative technology has optimized grid utilization with state-of-the-art software and unique hardware technology. We continue to innovate and improve, creating value for customers, shareholders and society. Our smart grid technology allows you to be the guardian of the grid.
St. Olavs Gate 28
0166 Oslo, Norway
214 W. Tremont Ave, Suite 301
Charlotte, NC 28203, USA
We expect our vendor partners to maintain the highest standards of business ethics, integrity and respect for human rights and to become familiar with and comply with our policies as outlined in our Partner Guide. We also expect vendor partners to operate their businesses in compliance with all applicable laws and to maintain lawful environmental, health and safety practices that meet or exceed all applicable laws and standards, as outlined in our Position on Human Trafficking and Slavery.
The Supplier is to hold and maintain at all times the Heimdall Code of Conduct addressing human rights, worker rights, the environment and corruption.
The Supplier must acknowledge HP’s Code of Conduct in all new contractual arrangements. The Supplier must do this by signing the HP Compliance Letter (exhibit).
The Supplier is obligated to communicate the contents of Compliance Letter (Exhibit) to related entities and subcontractors who support the Supplier in supplying goods, works or services on behalf of HP. This will ensure that subcontractors conduct their business in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
If requested by HP, the Supplier must provide evidence and confirmation of its compliance with the Compliance Letter (Exhibit), including by providing documents and records in support of its compliance.